AUTHOR:<$BlogCommentAuthor$> Jeremy's Knit-a-bit: Tag You're It

Jeremy's Knit-a-bit

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Tag You're It

There is a little girl at school who whenever she sees me in the hall taps me and says, "tag you're it." I have been tagged again this time by Linda.

Six Weird Things About Me

  1. Have you seen the trailer for the new movie coming out Catch and Release? There is a scene where Jennifer Garner says, "I can put my hand in my mouth."” Well I can put my hand in my mouth too. And when I was a teenager I would tell people and show them. This could almost count as two, I can put my hand in my mouth and that I would actually show people.

  2. I often read magazines from the back to the front turning the pages backwards.

  3. Probably all you knitters won'’t think this is weird but I knit while I drive. I only do it while I am alone in the car (don’t want to set a bad example for my children) and straight roadways usually work better. It has to be a simple pattern. The ballband dishcloth works well it is also a great place to knit swatches.

  4. I borrowed this one from Amysatx. I always bring my pillow with me when I go on trips. I can't sleep on another pillow. (I have left several in hotels on my travels so I always take an old pillowcase).

  5. I have self-diagnosed myself as ADHD. My teaching partner will confirm this. I can'’t keep my focus on one thing and am extremely distractible.

  6. I have an obsessive personality. This can work to my advantage or not. My current obsession is knitting and blogging. This is good. There have been times when I have been obsessed with the internet. This is bad, it is a time sucker. I have been obsessed with dieting, good and eating, bad. I need to become obsessed with exercise! Other obsessions are yarn and books (I have learned to use the interlibrary loan so I can usually find all the books I am looking for without buying them).

THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the 6 weird things about you. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

I am tagging Amy, Kayleen and Emelia, then anyone else who is reading this and hasn"’t been tagged.

I found this interesting on Robin's blog: The Rising Sign Quiz
I definitely find many of my traits in the results especially the first three.

Your Rising Sign is Sagittarius

Happy and upbeat, you are always optimistic.
Even when you're in a bad mood, people find you friendly.

On the flip side, you're very restless and bored easily.
You've been known to pick fights just for the fun of it.

You've got a great sense of humor and a quirky outlook on life.
Aggressive, wild, and unconventional, no one knows what you're going to do next.
What's Your Rising Sign?

© 2006 Jeremy. "Pointy Sticks" template by Faces of Yve.