AUTHOR:<$BlogCommentAuthor$> Jeremy's Knit-a-bit: Progress...

Jeremy's Knit-a-bit

Saturday, July 15, 2006


I've gotten a little knitting in and made the crusts for the pies I am sending Carolyn. I started on the cherry pie filling this morning but I don't have much time. Several errands to do and then off to a water polo tournament Joy is playing in. Two of her friends will be house guests tonight because they live about an hour and 15 minutes away. I have been making more stitch markers as I wait for my kids to get ready. It is so fast to do, a perfect time filler when you are ready to go but the others aren't.

Yesterday I started another big project. Ryan, my teaching partner and I met yesterday afternoon and started cleaning out our equipment room at school. We took everything out! Now, you need to understand that we teach up to 48 children at a time and we believe that each child should have their own piece of equipment. That is a lot of PE equipment. We vacuumed the room then left everything in the gym. Our next step is to inventory and then organize it. I think I will have to take pictures.

Also I signed up to do the Flip Flop Swap on Knit2blog1 site. This is the first time I have tried something like this. Basically you send a pair of flip flops and one or two summer things that your pal might enjoy.

I am posting pics of my stitch markers. One set as you can see is being used on the afghan I just started. The pattern is Waves of Blue from Fiber Trends Easy Baby Blanket pattern collection 2. I am using Lamb's Pride bulky (blue magic) on size 10-1/2 circulars. I am almost finished with another afghan using the Pure and Simple pattern. I used the same yarn in the color oatmeal. I love the feel of the yarn and the afghan too. In fact I was worried I wouldn't get to use it because my kids seen to like it too so I decided to make another. Later I will tell the sorry of when I lost it and it's recovery.

I think I ran our to time to do the rest of my errands. Oh well.

© 2006 Jeremy. "Pointy Sticks" template by Faces of Yve.